Alle Beiträge von Armin Volkmann

Programm für Workshop „Exploring Old Maps” 6.–7. April 2017 an der Universität Würzburg online

Das Programm mit den Beiträgen für den Workshop „Exploring Old Maps – Second International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps (EOM 2017)” an der Universität Würzburg vom 6.–7. April 2017 ist nun online.

Als hochkarätige Keynote-Sprecher konnten Martijn Storms von den Leiden University Libraries gewonnen werden, der zu „Georeferencing by Crowdsourcing“ im „Maps in the Crowd-project“ spricht. Des Weiteren stellt Yao-Yi Chiang von der University of Southern California Untersuchungen zu “Querying Historical Maps as a Unified, Structured, and Linked Spatiotemporal Source” vor. So ist von einem spannenden Workshop für den Umgang mit großen Beständen historischer Karten und deren semi-automatisierte, strukturierte Auswertung auszugehen, der viele der aktuell laufenden Projekte zusammenbringt.

13.-14.02.17, Uni. Heidelberg, Blockseminar: QGIS for Archaeology and Spatial Humanities – cumulative cost surface and route network analyses

QGIS for Archaeology and Spatial Humanities: cumulative cost surface and route network analyses

Dozenten: Prof. Carlo Citter (Università di Siena) und Dr. Armin Volkmann (Universität Heidelberg)

Termine: Zweitägiges Blockseminar am Mo. und Di., 13. und 14.02.2017 von 10 bis 16 Uhr

Veranstalter: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage am Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context der Universität Heidelberg in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Digitalität in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften -mainzed

Veranstaltungsort: Universität Heidelberg, Seminar-Raum 112, Karl Jaspers Centre, Voßstr. 2, Gebäude 4400, 69115 Heidelberg

Veranstaltungssprachen: englisch und deutsch

Vorkenntnisse: GIS-Grundkenntnisse sind nicht zwingend erforderlich; der Kurs gibt u.a. eine knappe GIS-Einführung: siehe Vorbereitungsliteratur

Voraussetzung: Die Bereitschaft zur Einarbeitung in komplexe, digital basierte Fragestellungen muss vorhanden sein; eigenes Internet fähiges Laptop muss mitgebracht werden auf dem die aktuelle QGIS Version 2.18 bereits für das jeweilige Betriebssystem installiert worden ist; Download ausschließlich via OSGeo4W Network Installer mit den Erweiterungen Saga, Python, GRASS, GDAL ist obligatorisch

Download unter:


Zielgruppe: Studierende (BA und MA) sowie Doktoranden der Archäologischen Wissenschaften und geschichtlich/räumlich orientierten Disziplinen

Zielsetzung: Einführung in die Arbeitsweise von Geografischen Informationssystemen (GIS); praktische Arbeit mit der Open Source QGIS; selbständige GIS-basierte Projektentwicklung

Beschreibung: The course aims to give the students a practical knowledge of GIS-based spatial analyses in archaeology. The teachers will give the students access to a moodle platform where they can find literature, examples and video tutorials. The main goal is to help a researcher to evaluate which is the best analysis to run according to a given dataset and a precise historical question. Spatial analyses are often complicate algorithms that produce always an output. The crucial step for an archaeologist is to critically evaluate the available dataset. An output can be formally correct, though historically useless, and sometimes even misleading. Archaeologists should avoid any determinism cause-effect relationship between input data and output.

In particular, the lectures and seminar will focus on the making of a cumulative cost surface to evaluate settlement location, route network and resource exploitation. A further set of analyses will investigate the morphology of a landscape beyond slope and aspect. We shall focus on the potential of each cell of the DEM (digital elevation model) for human movement, settlement, exploitation. In addition a special attention will be paid to the flow and persistence of water.

Teilnehmerzahl: max. 15-20

Verbindliche Anmeldung per eMail an: v3a[at]


Bill, Ralf: Grundlagen der Geo-Informationssysteme [2010]. Berlin 2012.

Burrough, Peter A./McDonnell, Rachael A./Lloyd, Christopher D.: Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford 2015.

Conolly, James/Lake, Mark: Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology. Cambridge 2008.

Kappas, Martin: Geographische Informationssysteme. Braunschweig 2012.

De Lange, Norbert: Geoinformatik in Theorie und Praxis. Heidelberg 2013.

Volkmann, Armin: Tutorial Georeferenzierung von historischen Karten mit QGIS – Ein Bilderbuch. Wissenschaftsblog archäologiedigitale Oktober 2014 (ISSN 2197-7453), 11 Seiten.

Volkmann, Armin: Archäologische Fundkartierung und Zeichnungs-Georeferenzierung mit QGIS. HeiDOK Heidelberger Dokumentenserver. Heidelberg 2015.

Volkmann, Armin: Geografische Informationssysteme in den Digital Humanities. In. F. Jannidis/H. Kohle/M. Rehbein (Hg.), Digital Humanities – Eine Einführung (Stuttgart 2017), 300-315.

International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps (EOM 2017) April 6 and 7, 2017 at the University of Wuerzburg


After last year’s success, we are happy to announce the return of the International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps (EOM). Many libraries own an extensive collection of historical maps. Beside their value as historical objects, these maps are an important source of information for researchers in various scientific disciplines. This ranges from the actual history of cartography and general history to the geographic and social sciences. With the progressing digitisation of libraries and archives, these maps become more easily available to a larger public. A basic level of digitisation consists of scanned bitmap images, tagged with some basic bibliographic information such as title, author and year of production. In order to make the maps more accessible, further information describing the contained information is desirable. This would enable more user-friendly interfaces, relevant queries of a database, and automatic analyses.



The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for the communication of results (which may appear elsewhere) that may be useful to the community. Researchers and practitioners of all areas working on unlocking the content of old maps are welcome to participate. We welcome humanities scholars, developers, computer and information scientists as well as librarians, archivists and curators. Submissions are welcome from researchers at all career stages.



Relevant topics are (but are not limited to) the following:

* Spatial analysis and applications of GIS concerning old maps

* Design and application of algorithms for analysis and visualisation methods

* Digital media, digitisation, curation of digital objects

* Crowdsourcing, user research, citizen science, and public humanities

* Digital Libraries for old maps

* Visualisation of old maps

* Virtual Research Environments and Infrastructures






Authors are invited to submit abstracts for presentations, posters and demonstrations.

The workshop will not have formal proceedings. Therefore, abstracts submitted to the EOM 2017 may report on work in progress, be submitted to other places, and they may even already have appeared or been accepted elsewhere. We particularly welcome submissions that have the potential to stimulate the collaboration between the humanities and computer science. The reviewing process will mainly determine whether a submitted abstract promises to fit into the scope of this workshop.

Based on the review and its mandate to create a balanced and varied program, the Program Committee will decide about the acceptance of submissions.

The authors of the papers accepted for EOM 2017 will be invited to submit the final versions of their abstracts for on-line publication in the digital workshop booklet and will be considered for a special issue in an appropriate journal. Abstracts must be submitted to EOM 2017 via EasyChair. Each submission must specify its type in the EasyChair submission form. The abstracts must not exceed 2 pages and the second page must contain only references and figures. All submissions must use the provided Word or LaTeX template in DIN A4. Abstracts for demonstrations should include descriptive screenshots and a description of the system’s functionalities.



Submissions of abstracts: February 1, 2017 (hard deadline) Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2017 Workshop Exploring Old Maps: Thursday April 6 (afternoon) and Friday April 7, 2017



Program Chairs

* Christoph Schommer, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Luxembourg

* Thomas van Dijk, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg

* Geoffrey Caruso, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Luxembourg

* Alexander Wolff, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg


Organising Committee

* Benedikt Budig, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg

* Thomas van Dijk, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg

* Alexander Wolff, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg



The workshop will take place at the University of Wuerzburg, campus Am Hubland. Modestly priced hotels (~80 EUR/night) are available downtown, with a good bus connection to the workshop location. (But be sure to reserve the hotel in advance.)



The workshop’s website is available at

For any question concerning the workshop, please feel free to contact us at exploringoldmaps[at]

International Summer School „Destruction and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage“ in Heidelberg: deadline for applications July 20th 2016

The destruction of Cultural Heritage worldwide is a topic that receives growing attention: Cultural Heritage is threatened in armed conflicts, through climate change and environmental influences, and through neglect. The Summer School 2016 aims at covering these topics by assembling a wide range of scholars and experts to discuss the dangers faced by Cultural Heritage as well as methods to preserve and reconstruct it. What can be done to efficiently and professionally protect Cultural Heritage? What dangers does it face? Which actors have to be involved? Is the system- atic destruction of Cultural Heritage a rather new phenomenon or has it been practiced through- out human history? What can be done to prevent such destructions?

The Summer School, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, will deal with all these questions. International experts from different fields (such as Archaeology, History, Museum Studies, Law, Digital Humanities etc.) as well as key-actors from the UNESCO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide an interdisciplinary perspective on the topic. Based on current research, out- standing knowledge and experience as well as newly developed technologies, a comprehensive and profound exchange with the participants will be sought.

The Summer School will take place from September 16th to September 23rd 2016 at the University of Heidelberg and will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Christian Witschel (Heidelberg Center for the Cultural Heritage – HCCH), Dr. Filippo Carlá-Uhink (University of Exeter), and Dr. Maja Gori (Heidelberg University).

The Summer School invites applications from doctoral students in Archaeology, History, Art History, Law, Cultural Studies, Social and Political Sciences and related fields. Sessions will be held in English. A reader containing a comprehensive overview of the current state of research will be provided in advance. Participants are also expected to prepare a paper/contribution of their own according to their field of interest which will be presented (15 to 20 minutes) during the summer school.

There will be 15 places available. Travel and accommodation expenses of the participants will be covered by the organizers.

Your application (in English) should include:

  • A letter of motivation (2 pages max.) including an explanation as to why you would like to participate in the Summer School and what previous knowledge you have on the subject; additionally a short description of your current PhD project should be given.
  • A short CV presenting the main steps of your academic career.

Please send your application via e-mail as one PDF file to Michaela Böttner at the HCCH (Boettner[at] You can also contact Mrs. Böttner in case you need further in- formation.

The deadline for applications is July 20th 2016.